Red Hat

Fine-grained authentication configuration and fixed security constraint handling

Fine-grained authentication configuration and fixed security constraint handling

Fine-grained authentication configuration and fixed security constraint handling

There was a small bug on how we handled security constraints — it should re-direct you to login page in case of non-authorized access. This is now fixed. While we also added fine-grained configuration of authorization mechanism, and moved default to GAE/CapeDwarf mechanism.

I’ve also created new Docker image, with this release, under "alesj/capedwarf".

Download latest release:

And the notes:

Feedback welcome as always!

Ales Justin

Ales Justin was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia and graduated with a degree in mathematics from the University of Ljubljana. He fell in love with Java long ago and has spent most of his time developing information systems, ranging from customer service to energy management. He joined JBoss in 2006 to work full time on the Microcontainer project. He currently leads CapeDwarf project, while still contributing to ApplicationServer, Weld, Ceylon and many other JBoss projects.

Location:  Vrhnika, Slovenia

Occupation:  JBoss CapeDwarf Lead

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